WhatsApp: 0736552548 Email: info@kenyaplex. Logbook- Degree. ; dairy, poultry, piggery, small ruminant, orchard, mushroom, green house and these under crop production. 1|Page INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT REPORT BY R169219U TIMOTHY NYAHWEMA 1. november-december 2021 supervisor: mr. Purpose. This document discusses waiting times in the outpatient department of Norvic International Hospital in Nepal. Jan 12, 2021 · The industrial attachment report should be 15 pages (excluding coverage, table of content and references) The industrial attachment report should be submitted in font Times New Roman size 12, 1. Be sure that you have arranged you ideas in the correct format. september 2022. com. We can help you to complete writing your attachment report for only Ksh. 2% ammonia water or saturated lithium carbonate solution for 30 seconds to 1 minute. It includes an introduction to Nairobi City County covering its background, mission, vision, values, objectives, structure, and Sample Health Records and Information Management Attachment Report in Ms Word Format. Oct 23, 2023 · Here are some tips to help you write an impressive industrial attachment letter sample: Do your research: Before writing your letter, research the company and understand what they do. The industrial attachment training is an essential components of the curriculum of college. The student gained exposure to tasks like EXPERIENCES DURING THE INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT My industrial attachment started on the date 14 th November, 2022 to 16 th December, 2022 at Kigbirpe D/A junior high school. It includes sections on the report's purpose and organization, background on the county Industrial Attachment Report Guide for BTech (HTU EEE)_FINAL (1) - Free download as PDF File (. It offers an innovative therapeutic model and set of methods for treating adult patients with Somuah Oware Samuel Industrial Attachment Report - Free download as Word Doc (. Sample Health Records and Information Management Attachment Report in Ms Word Format. This document is a report on a two-month internship at South Akim Rural Bank in Koforidua, Ghana. P. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My heartfelt acknowledgement goes to the general staff of KTDA region five (5) and Chelal tea factory staff right from the FUM Charles Langat, FSA Philip Sang, FSC Mr. o :mr. Affiliation: Islamic University of Technology. As a marketing student with a passion for creative problem-solving, I am confident that I have the skills and knowledge needed to excel in a real-world environment. This industrial attachment lasted for three months from 26thMay– 26th August 2014. It includes declarations from the student and supervisor, acknowledgements, introduction ATTACHMENT_REPORT_SAMPLE (1)-converted - Free download as Word Doc (. The key points are: 1) Memon College provides tertiary education programs in accounting, business, and early childhood development. APO-02-03-11/10 STRATHMORE UNIVERSITY ATTACHMENT REPORT GUIDELINES All internships must be approved before their start date, or your internship will not be approved for graduation. Present a report on the industrial attachment or internship, vii. Make sure you mention those skills in both your resume and cover letter. This Work Related Learning Report has been submitted by Chata Daniel (R129625l) in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Faculty of Commerce Bachelor of Accountancy (Honors) Degree Programme (HACC) Made possible by: Period of Attachment : September 2014 – August 2015. AWARD OF BACHELOR DEGREE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. The report should Address 16 Gainesville Drive, Glen Lorne Telephone: 263 4 494918-19, 263 4 494758 Fax: 263 4 494916 E-mail: pandhari@pandhari. The attachment provided practical experience to supplement David's university studies. Writing your industrial attachment report. The specific objectives were: to determine the extent of utilization, the Jesse Attachment report (2) - Free download as Word Doc (. This document is James Kimondo Ndiritu's report from his 2-month internship with the County Government of Nyeri. 1 Objectives of Industrial Attachment The following are the core objectives of Industrial Attachment; 1. To gain practical skills and knowledge to tackle various issues arising from the organization. RECOMMENDATIONS The Institution should consider providing the students on industrial attachment with temporary user names to enable them practice on the ERP application. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) are the legal patient records created in digital format in health services which may include a variety of personal and clinical information. Feb 14, 2024 · Picking the right words can make your application stand out. pandharihotels. The student also assisted with educating clients and gathering customer feedback. 4500. ”. The report details his 8-week internship at Nairobi City County in the finance department from October 21, 2014 to December 8, 2014. . 2022-06-14 A road map for building strong and secure relationships for those who struggle with anxiety in their romantic connections. The main aim of the On-the-Job Training (OJT) program is to provide students with suitable training related to their field of studies and future work. Rinse in 95% alcohol, 10 dips. Delivery is in two weeks’ time. ACTUARIAL SCIENCE. an industrial attachment report submitted to the department of medical laboratory sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of certificate in medical laboratory sciences of thika school of medical and heaith sciences. Overall, the attachment provided Mount Kenya University places great emphasis on industrial attachment and the purpose of this report is the skills I gained through my three months of attachment period at Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited The report contains the responsibilities handled at the organization, the working environment and the skills I gained. Transport ans Logistics attachment report. Download a free Industrial attachment report in pdf from this page. The Industrial Attachment program fulfils part of the requirement in pursuing the degree. 1989 Anxiously Attached Jessica Baum. Studies Industrial Attachment Report KCM - Free download as PDF File (. DEPARTMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Download. 2. 102. Institution: College. com May 30, 2016 · INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT REPORT. Enhance your teaching with our comprehensive Schemes of Work and Notes! Sample Industrial Attachment report for Certificate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 5 Industrial attachment report Tap and utilize modern technology to avail accurate, timely and quality news and information to the public. Sensitize members of the public on the constitution in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. During the attachment, the student helped advertise, source, and register new customers. 2101 Business Studies II an industrial attachment report done at the national treasury hamisi sub-county. Formal supervision by host must be provided so that your performance can be assessed. 2) David assisted in various departments, including administration, marketing, and Jan 16, 2017 · Report on a Three Months Field/Industrial Attachment. 13140/RG. Marketing attachment report. It discusses the typical sections an industrial report includes such as the location and history of the establishment, organizational structure, departments and their functions, work activities and experiences, problems encountered, and suggestions. Business Management attachment report. It includes sections on the ministry's mandate to develop and maintain infrastructure, as well as sections describing the student's work in various departments like the ledger, salaries and wages, and creditors sections. david sigei i INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT REPORT. This PDF documents is a report about my industrial attachments, which I attained from Konkola Copper Mines Plc, in Chingola Zambia as an Electromechanical Engineering student from The Copperbelt University located in Riverside, Jumbo Drive, Kitwe, Zambia. manager at aic kijabe hospital. INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT REPORT by Shikhule Kevin Ibrahim - Free download as PDF File (. Abuhena Mostafa Kamal 111-23-2338 Supervised by Mohammad Abdul Baset Sr. This report serves to summaries the activities and experiences gained with Industrial attachment is an essential part of a student’s academic programme. Kenyan Weekly Meal Timetable. O. The report includes sections on the introduction to the procurement department, general and specific activities undertaken during the attachment, skills gained, observations, and recommendations. of Bachelor of Applied Science (Computer Engineering) in Nanyang Technological. 61443. KANTENGWA Dadine Fildaus (Director of Career Advisory and Marketing) Apr 10, 2022 · Six weeks of industrial affiliation at Versatile Textiles Limited left us with the impression that. 2. CHARII ATTACHMENT REPORT - Free download as Word Doc (. Patient attendants provide basic patient care. Oct 15, 2023 · To help you succeed in your upcoming interview, we’ve curated some commonly asked Patient Attendant interview questions along with insightful tips on how to answer them effectively. This report is aimed to provide an overview of what I have done for three months at Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency as an attaché in the department of Corporate Services Department and was compiled in the fulfillment of Bachelors of Arts in The Industrial Attachment must be of significant educational value. Report Structure (a) Report format (i). These professionals serve as a supportive presence, ensuring that the needs of patients are met with compassion and efficiency. Remove, cool and add three successive 1 ml portions of hydrogen peroxide. Digest at 110oC for 1 hour. Download Attachment Report For IT students and more Information Technology Essays (university) in PDF only on Docsity! A REPORT ON A THREE-MONTH FIELD ATTACHMENT AT CAPITAL POINT LIMITED FROM 2rd MAY 2014 TO 2rd AUGUST 2019 PRESENTED BY: NAME: MOSES CHEGE WANJEMA ADMISSION NUMBER: BIT/0026/13 REPORT SUBMITTED IN Industrial Attachment report on ESQUIRE KNIT COMPOSITE LTD Submitted by Md. Price: KES : 250. txt) or read online for free. The aim of the attachment been to allows students to gain experience in current technologies, organization management and interpersonal skills. attachment report submitted to the school of information science, department of computing sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of bachelors degree in information technology, kisii university. Time of Attachment: From 8 th September, 2016 to 30 th November, 2016. The training institution offers the required practical and hands-on experience through assignments and techniques performed within their organization, with the goal of Final Attachment Report for Electrical & Electronics Engineering - Free download as PDF File (. Download Meal Plan. Industrial attachment is an important exercise which enables student practise what they have learnt in class into a real life situation. This industrial attachment report summarizes the student's experience at the Ministry of Roads, Infrastructure and Public Works. Price: KES : 150. Feb 13, 2023 · A REPORT ON INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT HELD IN GELIAN HOTEL. 1 Period of attachment The field attachment which lasted for a period of twelve weeks started on 9 th September and ended on 30 th November 2019. This guide will assist you in preparing yourself to showcase your skills, empathy, and dedication for providing excellent patient care. october 2021 declaration INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT REPORT PREPARATION GUIDELINE. PRESENTED BY: MUCHENDU PETER K. To elevate University learning sense through interest inwards industrial to commercial field to enabling students 2. FROM 5 March - 5 June. NUTRITION MANAGER DEPUTY NUTRITIONMANAGER QUALITY OFFICER CAFTERIA CLEANERS ACCOUNTS CLERKS CHIEF NUTRITIONIST. Wash in running tap water for 5 minutes. Industrial attachment report format. , sang, PA Regina Mbaru, AFA Nancy Rono, chief clerks and general staff of Chelal tea factory for the opportunity, guidance and support they gave me throughout the attachment period. 5 line spacing. Tonny. It provides an overview of Kenya Power's organizational structure, mission, vision, and safety . We are therefore given the opportunity to relate academic programme and career goal to pre-professional work experience thus giving us an insight into our chosen career. It provide students with valuable insights into the professional and industry-oriented side of their field of studies in practice. It details his 8-week internship at the procurement department of Nairobi City County. 1 OBJECTIVES The objectives of my field attachment were as follows: Bluing in 0. Kennedy Kiplimo Rotich completed an industrial attachment at Kenya Power and Lighting Company from January 14th to March 20th, 2020. declaration. This report is a compilation of industrial attachment at Hopex Printers and Cyber Center, which started on 11 th Jan, 2022 and ended on 22 nd October KENYA POWER is responsible for ensuring that there is adequate line capacity to maintain supply and quality of electricity across the country. It was a beneficial and educating experience. The attachment period takes a minimum of eight weeks during which the student is expected to acquire additional practical skills and expose to the real world The document is an industrial attachment report submitted by Amos Mutiso William to Taita Taveta University. The Institution should consider providing the students on industrial attachment with temporary user names to enable them practice on the ERP application. attachment, its development, and the most clinically relevant findings from attachment research, and (2) using this understanding to inform systematic, comprehensive, and clinically effective and efficient treatment of attachment disturbances in adults. UTB INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT HANDBOOK Page | 2 APPROVAL FORM PREPARED BY: Mrs. Feb 20, 2024 · Published Feb 20, 2024. They are also responsible for helping patients with a number of basic hygiene tasks. The document is an attachment report submitted by Jesse Maina Thuku for their 3-month internship at Thika Level 5 Hospital in Kenya. com to request service. I worked under an internal supervisor in the COMTECH section and recorded in the logbook the daily and weekly report on work carried out during the entire period. Production Attachment report. NAVALAYO I hereby declare that the attachment report entitled the HOSPITAL ATTACHMENT REPORT submitted by me to Thika School of Medical and Health Sciences, department of Human Nutrition and Dietetics in part of fulfillment of the requirements of the award of the diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics is the outcome of my investigation Partial preview of the text. April 2021. reg no: ph/00109/2011. This document is James Sengu's industrial attachment report submitted in partial fulfillment of a BSc Honors Degree in Statistics at the University of Zimbabwe. report written & submitted by: name: nyando comfort. pdf), Text File (. attaché has to prepare projects report at the end of the attachment period but the main objective of the attachment is to get hands on experience of the real world organization. MACHAKOS. Some of the important objectives of the industrial attachment are as follows 1) Throughout my attachment period, I have gained some new experience based on interacted with students and my supervisors. vincent moracha. Begin drafting your report one month to completion of your internship. Internship/Industrial Attachment is an integral part of undergraduate degree program at AIT. This document will help you draft your own report for submission. place of attachment: dacma construction ltd period: two months. 📝At the end of the video I share with you a sample of an industrial attachment re Guidelines for Writing Internship/Industrial Attachment Report. Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name], I am writing to apply for the industrial attachment position at [Company Name]. O BOX 136 – 90100, MACHAKOS –KENYA. It normally lasts for a period of at least 2 months. 1. This includes bathing and dressing patients, helping them use the toilet if needed, and feeding them. Figures and tables are numbered according to section (v). 2001 The President's Comprehensive Triennial Report on Immigration . RECOMMENDATIONS. zw Vision, Mission and Values of Pandhari Hotels Vision To become the market leader in the provision of world class services in Zimbabwe. Interpret, analyze Jun 14, 2023 · Get a copy of a detailed sample attachment report. N Enterprises. 4 Overall Goal To research, design, construct and run coal to liquid CTL fuels pilot plants as a precursor to the establishment of commercial plants using the selected commercially viable technologies starting with the Fischer Tropsch process by 2025. To integrate classrooms theories and real work experience. name : otieno lawrence adm : in12/20235/ department : communication studies course : communication and media supervisor : mr. Not to expect any pecuniary consideration during or after the period of attachment or internship. Lecturer Bachelor of Science in Textile Engineering Advance in Apparel Manufacturing Technology December, 2014 Oct 5, 2017 · This industrial attachment proved to have highly supplemented the student’s insight in the computer science world. 5 ml digestion mixture to each tube and the reagent blanks for each batch of samples 3. Sample Industrial Attachment Report free. This report gives details of Tracom College, its background, Mission, Vision, Organisation structure, core values, functions and its REPORT BY CLAYTON FADZAYI CHAPARADZA R129819H – HBSCT3 Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree in BACHELOR OF BUSINESS STUDIES AND COMPUTING SCIENCE At UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE (August 2014 – May 2015) DEDICATION A lot of individuals contributed immeasurably to the successful compilation of this report however without undervaluing their unwavering support, I would like to Industrial attachment is an important exercise which enables student practise what they have learnt in class into a real life situation. DEDICATION The report contains and describes the activities implemented, skills gained, challenges faced, conclusion of the report and recommendations derived from the challenges faced at the farm of BUAC [BUFAAS] Busitema farm is a government farm with fourteen enterprises i. Add 2. Authors: A S M Redwan Haider This report serves to summarize the activities and experiences gained during my attachment in Participatory Development Centre. Aug 14, 2023 · Practicum Objective. e. 4. mr joseph kibuchi mwangi lab . the industry is one of the most advanced export-oriented knitting garments in Bangladesh. Practice materials 67% (3) 12. TO MACHAKOS UNIVERSITY, IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR THE. pdf Guidance for Preparing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). This report summarizes the student's four-week industrial attachment at A. It was prepared by Yeboah Charity, a student of Statistics at the University for Development Studies, as part vi. It provides background on issues with long waiting times globally and their negative impacts. 3g of oven dried (70oC), ground plant tissue or soil into a labelled, dry and clean digestion tube 2. BY DAVID CHEGE NJOROGE AS281-0074/2011 ATTACHMENT PERIOD: 3RD MAY 2016 - 1ST JULY 2016 I PREFACE I was privileged to secure an attachment at the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF)- Nyeri Branch. The industrial attachment helped improve on my communication skills and interact better with people in the procurement field. co. industrial attachment report (kisii university-kisii) anne wangeci kiragu inp17/00002/19. Internship Report for Information Systems Studies Fabian Kannemann,2006-04-01 Internship Report from the year 2004 in the subject Computer Science - Commercial Information Technology, grade: passed, Technical University of Ilmenau, language: English, abstract: Last year I made the decision to do an internship abroad and not in Germany. Industrial Attachment Report Sample . Line spacing: 1½ (iv). KISII UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT REPORT DONE IN BORESHA SACCO KABARTONJO SANG KIPKORIR DENNIS CB17/00002/12 2016 DECLARATION Declaration by student This report is a result of my industrial attachment carried out during the month of May-July 2016 as provisioned by the Kisii University, School Of Business As part of an academic curriculum, attachment helps the student to develop and enhance academic and professional competency. it is specifically about industrial attachment report institution: kaiboi technical training institute student name: edwin kiplangat koech adm no: k12581 course: craft certificate in building and construction technology. This document provides guidelines for students at Ho Technical University to prepare reports on their industrial attachments in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Popularize Kenya vision 2030 through rural press publications and mobile cinema services. As part of an academic curriculum, attachment helps the student to develop and enhance academic and professional competency. a report on an industrial attachment at nairobi city water and sewarage company between the months of may and august 2015 at kabete water treatment plant and the headquarters at industrial area, kampala road off enterprise road nairobi. Nursing attachment report. Practice materials 67% (3) Highest rated. docx), PDF File (. This document is a report on a 12-week industrial attachment at Afrancho Government Health Centre in Ghana. Keep it short and to the point: Your letter should be Weigh 0. A student is supposed to be attached to a company or organization that offers services that are related to the student’s course of study. Dehydrate through 95% alcohol, 2 changes of absolute alcohol, 5 minutes each. This industrial attachment proved to have highly supplemented the student’s insight in the computer science world. Jun 25, 2023 · Application Letter for Industrial Attachment at a Marketing Agency. o box 540-01000 thika department of human resource management by ngotho jane wambui registration no bcom111∕ 02565 a report submitted to mount kenya university in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of bachelor of commerce The industrial attachment helped me develop my understanding of work ethics, employment demands, responsibilities and opportunities. Counterstain in eosin-phloxine solution for 30 seconds to 1 minute. It includes sections on inspections of properties, food safety, sanitation, occupational health and safety, disease control programs, health education, waste management, licensing, enforcement and more. The role of a Patient Attendant encompasses a broad spectrum of responsibilities, all aimed at enhancing the comfort, safety, and well-being of patients within healthcare settings. The document contains a table of contents for a public health practicum report covering various public health topics and activities conducted during the attachment period. DOI: 10. dan oduor duration : 3 months commenced : 3rd may 2016 completed : 3rd august 2016 organization: ministry of information, communications and technology [kna, homa bay] h. The interconnected network of transmission and distribution lines covers about 23,000 kilometers. Law attachment report. i Jul 25, 2023 · OBJECTIVES OF THE ATTACHMENT 1. Name of Student: Ochieng’ . University. supervisors 1. The student was assigned to work in the sales and marketing department and customer service department. The attachment was for a duration of 2 months from 3rd May to 1st July 2016. declaration The industrial attachment allows for the integration of practical experience and theory aspect thus enabling us in the application of skills and theoretical concepts acquired. Engineering attachment report. This will help you tailor your letter to their unique needs and demonstrate your interest in the company. Margins: 25mm Top, bottom, left, right (ii). This document provides guidance on writing an industrial attachment report and includes an example report. zw Website: www. 5 Corporate Motto There Industrial attachment repor t 4 2. To fulfill the academic requirements of OVERSEASNANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT REPORT 2. Introduction. ABSTRACT The purpose of this report is to provide the details of the institution of attachment, a description of the activities undertaken during attachment period, lessons and challenges faced. Course: Certificate/Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. The example report summarizes the See full list on studocu. The study aimed at determining effect of EMR in Service Delivery at Kijabe Mission Hospital. For a comprehensive format or guide and samples of attachment reports kindly visit here. Look for the skills they really want in a patient care assistant, such as “patient care,” “vital signs monitoring,” “compassionate communication” and “support with daily activities. This document contains a sample report of industrial attachment for health records and information management students in all levels. It provides an overview of his internship at Population Services International Zimbabwe (PSI/ZIM), including the organizational background, structure The attachment period lasted three months that begun on 6th January and ended on 31st March 2014. Termination of Industrial Attachment/ Internship A student’s industrial attachment/internship may be terminated for any of the following reasons: 1. industrial attachment training report department of fashion design and beauty therapy sangalo institute of science and technology p. In an article that I had written earlier (sample report ), I provided The aim of the industrial attachment is to provide opportunity for learning and exposure of the student to the realities of the profession by putting theory into practice, to understand the tenets of the profession and establish contact and networks with those in the industry, to acquaint one with the how-to of the profession. To relate theoretical concepts amongst practical situations 3. Aug 5, 2021 · Begin gathering ideas on the first month of your attachment. 22752. Font type: Times New Roman; Font size: 12 (iii). doc / . The report details his experiences in various departments including customer service, emergency response, design and construction, and operations and maintenance. by maurice oyaro reg no; kca/11/ a report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award in bachelor of commerce (finance option) kca university. Student Number: A22/2320/2014 Apr 14, 2021 · BMW INDUSTRIAL ATTACHMENT REPORT 2021: IUT 170011061 170011063. I was attached for a period of 3 months between 1 st June to 1 st September . The report provides an overview of the hospital, including its history, functions pmt337: attachment report an attachment report conducted at kenyatta natonal hospitalf or the fullfillment of bachelors degree in bachelor of science in medical laboratory attachment period: 1st nov -19th dec 2014. The HOSPITAL ATTACHMENT REPORT 2 DECLARATION STUDENT: HALIMA S. o box 158-50200, bungoma, kenya an industrial attachment undertaken at; laco parlour salon kisumu county by linet awuor ochieng sist/ahdbt/14110 10 th jan - 27 th march 2022 submitted to kenya national examination council in partial fulfillment for the award of The core objective of attachment is to fulfill the requirement of Bachelors program as prescribed by the Rongo university of Kenya. Even Jun 8, 2022 · This video covers the basic steps to write an industrial attachment report. They use strong communication skills, compassion, and patience to address any patient need that comes up. The national grid is operated as an integral network, linked by a 220 kV and 132 kV transmission network. An Internship Report on (3) - Free download as Word Doc (. Email kenyayotecare@gmail. Aug 5, 2021 · List of industrial attachment reports topics that we have worked (2011 to 2017) Procurement Attachment Reports. This document is Ngari Festus's industrial attachment report submitted to Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. Acronyms and DEFINITION OF TERMS Referral The process of directing or redirecting a medical case or a patient to appropriate specialist or agency for definitive treatment Industrial attachment A structured, credit bearing work experience in a professional work setting during which the student applies and acquires knowledge and skills Health This is the attachment report. Attachment Report for Bachelor in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Kenya Power and Lighting Company attachment report from medisel kenya limited p. The period was characterized by executing duties both in the field for example visit client for data collection and office functions, I could go to work even on This report summarizes David Aminani Mukunza's 8-week industrial attachment at Memon College. It is essential for certificates, diploma students, and certificates for certificate students. ho fi kf pi bz nl nz ar zj ka